Saturday, July 12, 2008

chronicle of an epiphany foretold...

spectacular. not the first word that comes to mind when i think about me. in fact, i really don't think there's anything truly extraordinary about me. i live in an average home. i come from an average family in the suburbs. i have an average office job and am preparing to attend an average university's graduate program - it's close to home and easy to get into... what can i say? i'm not much of an over achiever.

however, if my life was totally hum-drum, it wouldn't be worth blogging about, right? so, for your entertainment pleasure, i bring tales from far and wide - stories that will make you laugh, make you cry, make you angry, make you confused. but if there is one thing i hope these anecdotes will do is make you think.

but first, a little about me. i'm a twenty-something year-old girl-next-door (hereinafter known as "D") who has been on a journey for the past two years to find her true self. after several failed relationships, i decided it was high time "she" come out to play, shaking me out of my mild mannered shell. and, boy, has she!

the "she" we speak of is my alter ego, "Katya". she's a feisty femme fatale; true to her black jaguar totem, she is a quick-witted seductress, who, when dealing with the opposite sex, takes no prisoners. fully aware of sexuality and herself, she allows no one's bullshit. Katya has made these recent years quite fascinating, to say the least...

this is about my self-creation, taking parts of D and Katya and fusing them together to become the H.B.I.C. this is about becoming the woman i want to be. this is about achieving goals. this is about learning my own self worth and not settling for anything less than what i deserve. this is about me.

my journey relies heavily on my readings and the support of my favorite blogger, my personal mentor, the professional queen b. i will be pulling references from all sources, combining them with my personal experiences, to chronicle my growth as a woman. please let it be known now that names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent...




Anonymous said...

Well, well... I've inspired an entirely new blog! I LOVE IT! I LOVE the alter ego. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE AN ALTER EGO! Perhaps you have inspired a blog for me in that I should pro0mote the use of an alter ego! Hmmm.... it's soooo important.
I'll tell ya what "D", keep blogging. I'm very interested to see how a woman moves into her HBIC mode....

Anonymous said...

This will definitely be a very interesting read. I look forward to coming on here often to learn more about you! :)