Monday, September 8, 2008

happy birthday to me...

yesterday, i celebrated my birthday and i realized, i'm not where i need to be at this stage of my life. this birthday has marked a new beginning in my life and now i enter the next phase of B.I.T.C.H. training - the "T" phase.

now, "B.I.T.C.H." stands for "Being In Total Control of Herself" - a training program set forth by my mentor, the professional queen b. thus far i've achieved my "B" and my "I"... i feel like this is the year that i earn my "T." now, let's discus the significance of "T." "T" is "total." by definition, "total" means "involving all aspects, elements, participants, resources; all-out." this is an all-inclusive process where the main focus is on all the elements that, when combined, make me... well... ME.

i can't enter any phase without a clearly defined goals and a plan to achieve them. and i am a firm believer that if you don't committ your goals to a physical form (such as a blog that you can look at everyday) you are less likely to hold yourself accountable for them. so here, with you as my witness, i am committing myself to the following:

  1. excelling in my studies

  2. improving my overall physical health

  3. deepening my spirituality

through these goals, i plan on becoming the woman i know i can be. complete, self sufficient, and fabulous.

now, to achieve these goals, i must go into a hermit-like state. my days are now jam packed to keep my far from distractions. people warn me of burning out, but i don't care. it's what i need to do.

phrase for the year: "it's cool, i got it..."

1 comment:

iamanmd said...

sounds awesome mamita